Chancel Choir

Chancel Choir standing together

About Our Choir

A welcoming group of teen and adult singers who share a love of music which glorifies God, and supports the congregation in prayer and praise.

What to expect

  • SING each Sunday & prepare special anthems for the 2nd & the 4th Sundays of each month throughout the year. We also sing our annual Christmas Cantata (a community favorite!), a Tenebrae candlelight service during Lent, and special services for Christmas and Easter. We are community involved, and we share our voices in community events throughout the year.
  • REHEARSE Thursdays 7:15pm - 8:30pm.
    Each rehearsal encompasses:
    *the art of learning some music theory - our roadmap.
    *making beautiful vocal harmony - our goal.
    *sharing laughter and love - the best part.
    **reading music is not necessary! Voice parts can also be recorded to practice at home.
  • MEET All members meet at 9:15am on Sunday for warm-up & review for 10am liturgy.
  • BLESSING Grow in friendship, spirituality, and fellowship.
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